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Unloading Supplies

Seals-On-Wheels Oral Health Program arrives at your school with a car full of supplies to bring in (average setup time is approximately 1 hour to prepare for the first student to be seen).

Temporary Dental Office

A temporary dental office is set up in a classroom where students can be seen for dental screenings, cleanings, sealants, and fluoride.

Student Dental Visit

We will coordinate with the school office regarding how to pull students from classes for their appointment, then we get them back to class afterwards to minimize the disruption to their normal school day.


Teeth Cleaning

The portable dental unit has all the needed instruments available, including a suction unit, water and air nozzles, and a polisher (a tooth polisher is being used in the picture above).

Preparing the Patient Chair

Following each student visit we prepare the patient chair for the next student and follow all the sanitary procedures you would expect from any dental office.


Toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, and stickers

After each visit we have a variety of themed toothbrushes and stickers that students enjoy choosing from, and each bag we send home with them includes floss and toothpaste. A parent sheet will also be sent home listing services performed that day and if any further work is recommended.

Eye Protection

We provide a pair of glasses to shield each student's eyes from the overhead light.